4 Ultimate Reasons Why Athletes Still Fail In Class

    The brawn but not the brain, the dumb jacks, and as per Nicole Campbell’s passage (A must-read essay entitled On Columbia’s Athletes’ Stupidity and Intelligence); the ones who diminish the schools academic standing, being because they are supposedly stupid. A long-standing cliche' that has been now disproved by Science; making them smarter than you think of.


    This kind of setup isn't quite that easy ( see 9 Things to Expect If You Want to Become a Student-Athlete). Usually, they are more prone to perform feebly in school because on:

1. How They Manage There Time 

    The study of the University of Cape Coast suggests that time constraints and overall fatigue are serious factors affecting the student-athletes performance in school. They tend to lose time for there study and tend to have limited energy for academic works after training which in turn leads to failure to do assignments, class sessions and tends to have poor concentration and mental lapses.

2. How They Are Supported by There Parents

    It can be highlighted that those individuals that surround these athletes are key factors in their career success. Their parents; there number one fan. According to the research published in the Journal of Human Psychology that parental support greatly (also self - esteem) determines the athlete's sports participation and academic success. Also, those parents who have further studies tend to support their kids more. 

3. How They Are Treated in School

    The institution which is expected to be a major constituent for the student-athletes academic growth might also be the reason for there academic struggles.

According to the study published on UND Scholarly Commons suggest that student-athletes tend to experience thwarting from there classmates and instructors. Wherein, some experience being disliked by there classmates, while others tend to have unworkable academic relationships with there teachers.

4. How They Are Influenced by the Team

    Ever heard of the phrase " birds of the same feather flocks together?" Yeah, teams do project s the same manner; they are the minorities who seek on a single goal! However, this becomes detrimental with regards to their academic story. 

On the findings of Daniel Openheimer published on Time Magazine.com.Athletes who personally want to excel academically tend to have an unfitting experience on the whole team that does not care about there degree. As a result, they try to fit the team standards.
